
We are only three weeks away from Washington’s primary election, and with everything coming down to the wire, we need a boost in support to help Jaime continue working for Southwest Washington’s Third Congressional District!

In fact, if everyone who opened this email were to contribute just $3, there’s little doubt we’d have the resources to make it through our primary and on to the general election. You have always been there to help us through the tough times, and , we need you once again.
The Radical Left must be halted from further implementing their harmful agenda that has been so damaging to America, and as Jaime continues serving Southwest Washington in our nation’s capitol - she needs our support to get our nation back on the right track!

We are only three weeks away from the primary election here in Washington, and unless we want to lose a true leader in Congress, we have no choice but to do all we can to get Jaime through to the general. , will you rush in $3 for WA-03 and support Jaime today?
Thank you for your support, 
Team Jaime
Jaime for Congress
PO Box 1614
Ridgefield, WA 98642
Copyright © 2021 Jaime for Congress, All rights reserved. 
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