Since Republicans used their packed Supreme Court to achieve their long-desired policy goal of overturning Roe v. Wade, some of them are trying to rebrand themselves as kinder, gentler politicians who want families to flourish. It won’t work, because their proposals to “help” families are just as cruel as their desire to force women to give birth.
To show why the “new” Republican Party is just like the old one, let’s look at Senator Marco Rubio’s much-ballyhooed paid leave proposal―and its hidden death tax.
Social Security Works fights to expand our Social Security system, not pit different benefits against each other in a zero-sum game. Chip in $7 to defeat Marco’s death tax!
Rubio says that he’s offering 3 months of paid leave to all new parents. That sounds good! But here’s a catch: To become eligible, you have to agree to delay your Social Security retirement age by 3 months. That means that the more children a parent has, the less Social Security benefits they qualify for―effectively a 3-4% benefit cut per child!
But wait, that’s not even the worst part! If someone who claimed the parental benefit dies before they reach retirement age, their grieving family will receive a bill from the government to repay their the cost of their leave.1
Marco Rubio is up for re-election this November. That means this is the plan he’s releasing when he’s running for re-election. Imagine what he’ll be pushing when he doesn’t have to face voters for another 6 years!
Marco Rubio’s death tax plan raids Social Security to give a short-term PR boost to his re-election campaign. We’re not buying it, and neither should you. Donate $7 to Social Security Works today to make sure Floridians know Rubio’s cruelty!
When you scratch the surface of any of these new Republican “pro-family” policies, you get the same result: Pure cruelty. We’re going to stop them.
In solidarity,
Michael Phelan Social Security Works