With seemingly ubiquitous mass violence, stripping of fundamental reproductive rights, political chaos, xenophobic hatred, environmental degradation and economic crisis, it can be easy to feel hopeless. Filtering through the noise of a mass media that puts vital information in the hands of an elite (and greedy) few is hard work.
But that’s what FAIR is here for. When we lose hope and stop fighting for a just and independent press, those without the public’s interests in mind win. Pessimism is a tool of oppression, so we remain optimistic! We’ve been at this for 36 years, and we have no plans of stopping anytime soon!
Whether you enjoy listening to episodes of CounterSpin or reading our in-depth analyses and studies, you know you can rely on us to help you sift through disinformation and bias and understand the true impact of the stories you read, watch and hear. And likewise, we know we can count on you to support our work.
Here’s some of what we’ve been working on recently:
CounterSpin: Adele Stan & Elliot Mincberg on John Roberts, Chip Gibbons on Why Assange Matters
Turning a San Francisco Recall Into Rout for Police Reform by Dave Lindorff
Did Public TV Doc Promote Peaceful Coexistence—or the UAE? by Nora Lester Murad
This work would have been entirely impossible without the help of our generous donors.
We are ambitious, but we can’t sustain this work without you. Join us in the fight against corporate media disinformation! Together, we can ensure information remains free and accessible to all!