Free Software Foundation

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Dear Free Software Supporter,

Over the last few weeks, we challenged you to help us reach our goal of $67,000. It was an ambitious number, more ambitious than we have had before, but we know we can make it. In fact, we know we can stretch it. As of today, we have raised just over $64,000 ($64,065 to be precise) since the beginning of this spring's appeal, which began just three weeks ago. That's just $3,000 below our goal! So we ask your attention and help for just a few more days to reach our new spring goal of $70,000 by July 18.

We have received great feedback to this year's theme of "finding your own reason." People from all walks of life are advocating for major change in different causes, and they find common ground in the importance of free software. We have seen an increased show of support in this last week, and we have received message that our physical mailings of Free Software Foundation Bulletin are only just arriving in some countries.

The FSF staff always works hard, but twice a year during these appeals, we set ourselves the goal to focus on updating you, our supporters, on the work we have done and bring you valuable resources or community events with a higher frequency than normal. This spring, besides the launch of our new video Escape to Freedom, our fun and educational Mastodon Hour (which we hope to do again in the future as "ActivityPub Hour"), the release of our LibrePlanet workshop videos, and sharing free software successes in the community and from FSF staff, we have more publications we very much look forward to releasing in the upcoming week. You'll also be able to order the limited edition GNU head t-shirt in "storm" color during these few extra days of the fundraiser, or until stock runs out, so get yours now!

By giving us your continued support this week, we'll be able to invest in the creation of more resources and materials to help bring more people to understand the importance of free software, as well as invest in practical tools to help us maintain freedom for computer users.

As of today, any financial contribution you can spare counts towards our stretch goal of $70,000 by July 18! Your support helps our advocacy and education campaigns, the tech team, and our important licensing work. For only $10 a month ($5 if you are a student), you can join us as an FSF associate member. New members are critical to the cause, and form a solid foundation for the free software movement.

In the meantime, spreading the word is just as important: please take a moment to publicly bring attention to the need for free software! Use the hashtag #UserFreedom, and share this message and others to build even more support these last few days.

Did you know that you can also gift a membership to someone? It is the perfect way to help someone you care about to get a step closer to freedom, and it will count towards our stretch goal! We really appreciate it, and we'll be sure to put your hard-earned money to good use.

In freedom,

Devin Ulibarri
Outreach & Communications Coordinator

Images Copyright © 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc., licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.