Dear Friends,
I invite you to donate to support the work of NRCAT's members who are Called to End Torture Together.
People of faith are called to pursue justice - to ensure that all people are treated fairly.
One poignant example of this expression of our values is a new movie, The Report, a political drama on the CIA's failed torture program and its efforts to cover it up. The film premiered in theaters nationwide just weeks ago and you can now watch it on Amazon Prime. Also, you can read my op-ed in USA Today, in which I review the film and laud the impact of the faith community in the work to end U.S. torture.
NRCAT has recruited dozens of congregations and faith leaders across the U.S. to host showings of the film or write op-eds and letters-to-the-editor. We are circulating a faith-based toolkit that includes taking action to make the full Senate Torture Report public. This is the kind of work your donation to NRCAT today will support.
The Report is a grave and accurate depiction of recent U.S. history that will haunt our nation as long as the Guantanamo prison remains open and our President continues to appoint torture advocates to high positions in government. Yet faith leaders, through NRCAT and our member organizations, take action daily to challenge the human destruction these policies represent.
Your donation today moves NRCAT one step closer to our end of year fundraising campaign goal of $30,000. Thanks to a generous challenge match, this month your donation of $25 becomes $50, $50 becomes $100. Please donate today and together, we can end torture.
We are grateful for your partnership,
Rev. Ron Stief
Executive Director
National Religious Campaign Against Torture
110 Maryland Ave NE, Suite 502 * Washington, DC 20002
202-547-1920 * [email protected]
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