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Congress showers the Pentagon with cash while Americans pinch pennies

By Ben Freeman on Jul 11, 2022 03:00 am

Lawmakers this week will rubber stamp a bill authorizing tens of billions more to the Defense Department that it didn’t even ask for.
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Americans aren’t very happy about Biden’s Middle East visit: poll

By Connor Echols on Jul 08, 2022 11:55 am

No matter how the question was phrased, less than a quarter of Americans approve of the president's trip to Israel and Saudi Arabia.
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Will 2022 be the year of nuclear proliferation?

By Daniel Larison on Jul 08, 2022 03:33 am

Weapons reduction is really just a pipe dream now, as treaties are abandoned and great powers see the utility in ramping up.
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Turkey’s pyrrhic victory at NATO

By Omer Taspinar on Jul 07, 2022 03:00 am

Erdogan finally acquiesced to Finland and Sweden’s membership in the Atlantic Alliance after failing to get everything he wanted in return.
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Democrats propose blocks on Biden security pacts with Saudi Arabia, UAE

By Connor Echols on Jul 06, 2022 09:54 am

Lawmakers want a say in any military alliance that may further entrench the US in the region.
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US-led naval escort to break Russian blockade could risk wider war

By Sam Fraser on Jul 06, 2022 03:00 am

Calls for a 'coalition of the willing' to establish a 'maritime corridor' are designed to obfuscate the dangers that it will create.
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