Inside this issue• Bishop Rojas Named San Bernardino Coadjutor• Two-Year Bills Resurge as New Session Begins• Legislative Network Debuts New Advocacy Tech• On the Web  Bishop Rojas Named San Bernardi
 Inside this issue

  Bishop Rojas Named San Bernardino Coadjutor  
  Pope Francis has named Bishop Alberto Rojas as Coadjutor Bishop of San Bernardino.
Bishop Rojas, 54, will work alongside Bishop Gerald Barnes until his retirement on his 75th birthday, as required by Church law. Bishop Barnes has overseen the diocese for 24 years.
Bishop Rojas, who was born and raised in Aguascalientes, Mexico, has served as an auxiliary bishop of Chicago since 2011.
The Diocese of San Bernardino is the nation's fifth-largest diocese and second-largest in California. It is home to over 1.7 million Catholics.
Bishop Rojas has fulfilled a number of key assignments on national committees for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, including Hispanic Affairs, Liturgy, Catholic Home Missions and, most recently, as lead bishop for Region VII of the V Encuentro, a reflection and dialogue of the U.S. church on the growing prominence of Hispanics in the church.
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  Two-Year Bills Resurge as New Session Begins  
  On January 6 lawmakers will get back to work on the second year of their two-year legislative session.  They have spent December on organizational issues and January will be devoted to introducing new legislation but before they get to the new bills several two-year bills that will be back on the table.
Two-year bills come in two versions.  Bills that were introduced last year and did not pass their house of origin will have to be taken up by the end of January. Those that did pass their house of origin can be revived at any time during the legislative session.
For instance, SB 360 (Hill, D- San Mateo), which threatens priests with jail-time if they aren't willing to break the seal of confession, passed the Senate but stalled in an Assembly committee.  It has been moved to a two-year bill and will be taken up sometime before June at the author's discretion. 

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  Legislative Network Debuts New Advocacy Tech  
  With this newsletter, the California Catholic Conference is debuting its new advocacy technology, Voter Voice.  You will notice a few differences in format - starting with this edition of Public Policy Insights - but the basic process of action alerts and communicating with your elected officials will not change much.
The CCC will be using Voter Voice for its electronic communications and advocacy efforts. We hope you enjoy the new format of Public Policy Insights and be on the lookout for revised alerts and other communications from the Catholic Legislative Network.


  On the Web  
  Pope writes Apostolic Letter on the significance of the Christmas crèche - Pope Francis has written an Apostolic Letter on the meaning and importance of the nativity scene. He signed the Letter during his visit on Sunday afternoon to the Italian town of Greccio.  Read more on Vatican News.
Defend dignity of persons with disabilities, pope says - In a letter marking the U.N.'s International Day of Persons with Disabilities Dec. 3, the pope said that humanity needs to "develop antibodies against a culture that considers some lives as class A and others as class B; this is a social sin!"  Continue Reading on Angelus News.
Just for Fun - The Catholic GeoHub - The Catholic GeoHub allows people around the world to gain a global understanding of the Catholic Church. This site provides efficient access to data, maps, and applications


December 6, 2019
Vol. 12 No. 31

California Catholic Conference

 En Español

"The word Advent means coming. The Lord is coming. This is the root of our hope: the certainty that God's consolation comes to us amidst the troubles of the world. Not a consolation of words, but of His presence among us." - @Pontifex

Because We Are Catholic
Catholics live out the Gospel message by serving others in a variety of ways - from direct service to advocacy.  Unique ministries in California bring hope to thousands.

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Our Common Home
In God Calls Us All to Care for Our Common Home, the Bishops challenge the people of California to appreciate the beauty of the state and to apply - both individually and collectively - the teachings of Laudato Si'  in safeguarding our natural gifts.

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