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Tuesday, July 12th, 2022


How Much Did the US Government Pressure Twitter To Ban Alex Berenson?

Ron Paul, MD

It’s Not Working

James Howard Kunstler

The Seeds of the Split: How the Russian-Speaking Donbass First Attempted to Win Independence from Ukraine in 2004

Alexander Nepogodin

New York Times Launches Campaign To Dump Joe Biden

John Nolte

Leftists Offer Reward For Whereabouts of Justices Who Voted To Overturn Roe V. Wade

Amy Furr

Government by Vampire Zombie Squid


The Great Awakening Continues – Ve Vil Not Eet Ze Bugz, Klaus

Tom Luongo

Systemic Harms to Our Children

Robert W Malone MD, MS

Swedish Study: Pfizer Jab Installs DNA into the Human Genome

Alexandra Bruce

Drilling Under Lake Mead To Drain The Last Drop

Dane Wigington

The Financial Bubble Era Comes Full Circle

Matt Taibbi

Get Prepared With Shelf-Stable Foods

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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