Dear John,
The U.S. House is considering the 100% Clean Energy Economy Act – a bill that would set a roadmap to justly transition our economy away from fossil fuels by 2050.
Wisconsin’s clean energy economy and thousands of good-paying jobs are on the line if we don’t act. We’re joining our partners across the nation to get this bill over the finish line – join us and sound the alarm for Wisconsin’s representatives.
Sign now. [[link removed]]
Congress has the power to help solve the climate crisis and transition our economy to clean energy. But it will only happen if all of us – including Wisconsinites speak up now.
Send a message to the 116th Congress and urge them to support the 100% Clean Energy Economy Act. [[link removed]]
Thank you for being a conservation voter,
Ryan Billingham
Communications Director
[email protected]
Wisconsin Conservation Voters
133 S. Butler Street Suite 320
Madison, WI 53703
United States
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