Illinois e-News Release

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HEARING ADVISORY - Lt. Governor Stratton to Appear Before Senate Judiciary Committee on Impact of Reversing Roe V. Wade

WASHINGTON – On Tuesday, July 12 at 9:00 am central/10 am eastern, Lt. Governor Stratton will give testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee for a panel hearing entitled “A Post-Roe America: The Legal Consequences of the Dobbs Decision.”

WHO:   Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton

DATE:   Tuesday, July 12, 2022

TIME:   9:00 a.m. Central/10:00am Eastern

LOCATION:   Room 106 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building

LIVESTREAM:   The hearing will stream live here; on Twitter here; and on Facebook here

For Background:

Stratton’s Op-Ed, With the Future of Roe on the Line, so are Black Women’s Lives

Essence -

For More: about Lt. Governor Stratton, go to her social media platforms: Twitter - (@LTGOVSTRATTON and Facebook - /LTGOVSTRATTON)


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