Hey JOHN, Carl here to talk a little more about John James.

The right to privacy and the right to choose have been fundamental not JUST to American women, but to ALL Americans who don’t want the government dictating what they do in their private lives for the last 50 years. Now, we are approaching one of the most dangerous times for women in American history.

And John James is celebrating it.

Help me keep this extremist out of office by chipping in $15 to my campaign today.

Thank you,


----- Forwarded Message -----

From: Michigan HQ
Date: Sun., July 10 2022 at 5:30 PM
Subject: John James said what??
To: JOHN <[email protected]>


John James has made headlines again, this time praising the ruling the Supreme Court made late last month overturning Roe v Wade and 50 years of legal precedent with it.

He enthusiastically claimed that this decision saved lives and gave rights back to the people, despite the fact that the ruling triggered a 1931 law in THIS STATE that outlaws abortions, even in the case of incest and rape. Many states are following suit in implementing complete and total abortion bans with no exception for life of the mother, rape, or incest.

John James is too extreme for Michigan and too extreme for Washington. Chip in now to help Carl fight for a woman’s right to choose in Congress!

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Michigan deserves a leader that won’t celebrate rights being stripped away, but will rather fight to restore them. Chip in now and help Carl defeat John James and fight for a woman’s right to choose!


Michigan HQ

Carl is running for Congress in Michigan's 10th District. A lifelong Michigander, former prosecutor, former Probate Judge, and former Circuit Court Judge, Carl has the temperament, experience, and understanding of our district's issues to revitalize our economy and deliver for his constituents.

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Marlinga for Congress
155 S. Main #46232
Mt. Clemens, MI 48046

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Carl Marlinga,