Dear Partners and Friends:

As we are quickly closing out another successful year of partnership, we wanted to thank you for all of the amazing work you are doing -- and the work we’ve done together in 2019 -- toward our shared mission of improving the health and health care of all in our nation. We are grateful that we are on this journey with each one of you and look forward to continuing to collaborate in the critical year that lies ahead.

We also wanted to let you know that the work here at Families USA continues to flourish, as does our impact. There are exciting new job opportunities at Families USA that we recently posted on our website. We can think of no better source of amazing candidates than asking for recommendations from our partners, since you have direct knowledge or our work and our deep commitment to health care justice. We would be grateful if you would spread the word about these opportunities among your networks and we encourage you to send excellent candidates our way (and, of course, that could include you!). The positions for which we are currently recruiting include:
All candidates should apply through our website link above and here:

I join all of our Families USA staff in wishing you all a wonderful holiday season and we look forward to seeing you at Health Action in January!

In partnership and with great appreciation,
Frederick Isasi
Copyright © 2019 Families USA, All rights reserved.
Health Action Network

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