For the first time ever, a majority of members of Congress voted to officially make clear their opposition to unilateral Israeli annexation of the West Bank and to assert longstanding US opposition to settlements.
J Street


Today, the House of Representatives passed a resolution on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that represents a major milestone in American politics -- and for J Street's work.

For the first time ever, a majority of members of Congress voted to officially make clear their opposition to unilateral Israeli annexation of the West Bank and to assert longstanding US opposition to settlements.

By passing House Resolution 326, lawmakers sent a powerful message that they stand against the destructive agenda of the right wing here and in Israel -- during a week in which President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu reportedly discussed potential Israeli annexation of the Jordan Valley during a phone call.

While Jared Kushner and David Friedman seek to give a green light to annexation and permanently prevent Palestinian statehood, this resolution shows that J Street’s core positions are now the overwhelming consensus in the Democratic Party. The majority of lawmakers are showing that they believe support for Israel’s security must go hand-in-hand with opposition to annexation, holding the line against settlement expansion and strong support for a two-state solution.

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The positions endorsed in this resolution aren’t radical -- they’re common sense. They’re the kind of positions that once were supported by both Democratic and Republican presidents and Secretaries of State. The fact that only five Republicans voted for the resolution today only indicates just how hyperpartisan and far-right the GOP has become on this issue.

Even so, in previous years it would’ve been almost impossible to imagine this resolution formally endorsed by a House majority vote. Many lawmakers feared they would pay a political cost if they were to criticize harmful actions taken by the Israeli government.

The work of our movement has helped to transform these broken politics. Over the past few months, as members of Congress weighed whether to co-sponsor and vote on this resolution, they heard loudly and clearly, across the country, from J Street supporters like you.

Through calls, emails and meetings, you’ve made sure these elected officials know that if they oppose the occupation and work to secure Israel’s future as a democratic homeland for the Jewish people, we in the pro-Israel, pro-peace movement will have their backs. You’ve made sure they know that there is no contradiction between support for Israel and support for Palestinian rights.

Our political efforts have made a major impact, too. Before the pivotal 2018 midterms, the House didn’t have the votes to hold the White House accountable on anything, let alone on its Israel policy. That’s why J Street worked tirelessly to help elect a congressional majority that is ready and willing to act as a check on the destructive actions of the Trump administration.

Passing this resolution isn’t the only way that pro-Israel, pro-peace members of Congress have been pushing back. Late last month, after Secretary of State Pompeo announced that the administration would no longer regard Israeli settlements as illegal under international law, 106 members of Congress fired back with a powerful response within 48 hours.

Led by Rep. Andy Levin, these members -- including twelve committee chairs and the chairs of the Asian Pacific American, Black, Hispanic and Progressive caucuses -- warned Pompeo that his announcement undermined human rights, jeopardized US and Israeli interests and blatantly disregarded international law. Their message was echoed by most of the leading Democratic presidential contenders.

There’s no doubt -- things are changing in Washington. While the far-right does all it can to entrench occupation and undermine democracy, responsible American leaders will no longer stay silent.

Pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans are no longer an underrepresented silent majority -- we’re a powerful movement making a real impact in Congress, on the presidential campaign trail and beyond. And 2020 will be the most important year ever for our work.

Will you make a contribution today to help us stand up to the far right and keep fighting for a better future for Israelis and Palestinians?

With your support, we can continue to push back against the advocates of permanent occupation and annexation. We can continue to empower the leaders who are shaping a new vision for a US-Israel relationship rooted in shared democratic values and the genuine pursuit of peace.

Thanks for all that you do,

Jeremy Ben-Ami
President, J Street


We need to raise $200,000 in December to continue standing up against the
Trump-Netanyahu agenda, and ultimately defeat President Trump next November.

Can we count on your support?

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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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