Meet Blake Masters. He’s the frontrunner in the Arizona GOP Senate primary.
(Before you read on, will you make a quick donation to our voter registration campaign in Arizona? Latinos will decide this Senate race, and it’s incredibly important that we register and turn out our communities to keep Arizona blue.)
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➞ A white nationalist website lauded him as an “immigration patriot.”
➞ He’s a racist who blames minorities for gun violence (yes, really): “We do have a gun violence problem in this country, and it’s gang violence. Right? It’s gangs, it’s people in Chicago, St. Louis, shooting each other. Very often, you know, Black people, frankly.”
➞ He wants to allow states to ban contraception, "he will only confirm federal judges who understand that Roe and Griswold and Casey were wrongly decided, and that there is no constitutional right to abortion."
➞ And he’s been endorsed by Donald Trump (shocker).
We talk a lot about the Arizona Senate race and why it’s so important to keep Arizona blue, and that’s because if this seat flips red, Blake Masters will go to Washington . The best way to stop this and keep the Senate in Democratic hands is to register and turnout as many Latinos as possible in Arizona. Pitch in now >>>[link removed]
When you contribute to Voto Latino, you’ll be helping fund our proven voter registration model. In 2020, we registered more voters than President Biden’s margin of victory in Arizona, and we’re planning on repeating that success (and more) in 2022.
Please donate today to our efforts in Arizona.
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