Tell the Senate:
"No privatizers on the Social Security Advisory Board! Do everything in your power to block Andrew Biggs's confirmation."
Democrats control the House, the Senate, and the White House. Yet they could be on the verge of confirming an anti-Social Security ideologue to serve on the Social Security Advisory Board. But this year, a man that the New York Times Editorial Board has called “a zealous advocate of privatizing Social Security” was nominated!1
The Social Security Advisory Board advises the President, Congress, and the commissioner of Social Security on policy. But the latest nominee, Andrew Biggs, has a dangerous history of seeking to dismantle the program. Andrew Biggs was instrumental in President George W. Bush’s 2005 attempt to privatize our Social Security system. And he hasn’t reformed.
In 2013, Biggs testified before the Senate in favor of raising the retirement age, taking years worth of earned benefits away from every American.2
Social Security Works is mobilizing to block this dangerous nomination. Can you sign to send an urgent message to the Senate to save Social Security from Andrew Biggs?
The stealth privatization of Medicare is already in motion. If this nomination goes through, it could signal that George W. Bush’s dream of handing Social Security’s $2.9 trillion trust fund over to Wall Street gamblers is on its way to coming true.
We’re reaching out to every contact we have in the Senate to put a hold on Andrew Biggs’s nomination.
Sign Now: Save Social Security from Andrew Biggs!
Michael Phelan Social Security Works
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