Eye on health reform.
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Monday, July 11, 2022 | The Latest Research, Commentary, And News From Health Affairs
Dear John,

We are holding a poetry contest in conjunction with the October issue of Health Affairs, which will focus on disability and health.

The contest is open until July 25. We are looking for well-crafted poems that touch on topics related to disability and health, by writers with lived experience of disability. (Note: This includes family members or caregivers of people with disabilities).

Submit your poem here.

Eye On Health Reform
In an ahead-of-print Eye On Health Reform article published today, Katie Keith discusses several recent health care decisions issued by the Supreme Court that will reshape access to care for decades to come.

Keith recounts Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, summarizing the majority judicial opinions and discussing the ruling’s implications.

Keith describes the impact of Dobbs in states with “trigger” laws where abortion bans went into immediate effect, writing that, “Dobbs raises many questions and will unleash a tidal wave of federal and state litigation over bodily autonomy and reproductive health care—from abortion to miscarriage management to contraception to fertility services.”

Keith also discusses other recent Supreme Court decisions that have implications for health and updates readers on happenings at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Building on prior rules adopted throughout 2021, she reports HHS issued its final 2023 notice of benefits and payment parameters rule and accompanying materials pertaining to coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Read Keith’s full breakdown of recent Supreme Court decisions and federal health reform efforts today. For real-time coverage of health reform topics from Keith and others, check out the Health Affairs Forefront series, “Following The ACA.”
Elsewhere At Health Affairs
Today in Health Affairs Forefront, Jeffrey Kang and coauthors respond to two recent Forefront articles and argue that, rather than abandoning disease-based risk adjustment in Medicare Advantage, CMS should address coding intensity issues and continue to move to physician-reported encounter data.

Mark Fendrick writes that prior authorization should be targeted to the identification and prevention of services that do not produce improved clinical outcomes.

Jacquelyn Chou and coauthors argue that appropriately recognizing and accounting for the benefits of antiviral treatment in economic evaluations is important to encouraging the future innovation we may need for the next viral pandemic.

Laura Keohane and Ann Hwang highlight and analyze the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission's recommendations for states to develop strategies for integrating Medicaid and Medicare coverage for dually eligible beneficiaries.

Currently, more than 70 percent of our content is freely available — and we’d like to keep it that way. With your support, we can continue to keep our digital publication Forefront and podcasts free for everyone.
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About Health Affairs

Health Affairs is the leading peer-reviewed journal at the intersection of health, health care, and policy. Published monthly by Project HOPE, the journal is available in print and online. Late-breaking content is also found through healthaffairs.org, Health Affairs Today, and Health Affairs Sunday Update.  

Project HOPE is a global health and humanitarian relief organization that places power in the hands of local health care workers to save lives across the globe. Project HOPE has published Health Affairs since 1981.

Copyright © Project HOPE: The People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc.
Health Affairs, 1220 19th Street, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036, United States

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