Dear Friend,

Each year, the National Center on Sexual Exploitation releases the Dirty Dozen List, an annual campaign that names twelve entities that have facilitated or profited from sexual exploitation – and each year, we see significant victories and progress that give us hope for a world truly free from these abuses.

You’ve probably heard of some of the companies that are on the list this year, and some may be new or even confusing to you. In 2022, we’ve gotten questions about Etsy in particular.

I love Etsy – most of the art in my own home comes from talented Etsy artists. So why is NCOSE calling them out on the Dirty Dozen List?

While Etsy supports thousands of creators making handmade and unique products, the company is also in the business of selling:

  • pornographic merchandise,
  • image-based sexual abuse,
  • misogynistic apparel,
  • sex dolls – including ones resembling children and young teens.

That’s why we are calling on Etsy to fulfill their obligation to stop profiting from and normalizing child sex abuse and exploitation, and to improve their moderation and filtering techniques.

We are now about halfway through 2022, and your voice and support are more important than ever!

Help us encourage Etsy to stop selling sexual exploitation by taking action here, and join the thousands of other concerned advocates by signing this petition!

The power of our collective voices cannot be understated. We need more to join us, and I know you are just as passionate about changing the world for the better as we are here at NCOSE.

Thankful to fight for a better world with you,

Dawn Hawkins


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