From Steven M. Freeman, ADL VP of Civil Rights <[email protected]>
Subject The December Dilemma: Inclusive Schools Warm Up the Holidays
Date December 6, 2019 5:13 PM
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Dear John,

The December holiday season is a time when public school children of minority faiths can feel like outsiders. Acknowledging the season without excluding those children is a yearly challenge for schools and teachers.

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It&rsquo;s called the December Dilemma.

To help create welcoming environments for all, we recently shared the following ADL resources with educators across the country. We hope that you will find these helpful for the students in your lives.

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Winter Holidays: December Dilemma or Teaching Opportunity?
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Answers to common legal questions about the December Dilemma
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Navigating the December holidays in public schools (webinar)
ADL stands up for people facing exclusion, discrimination or bigotry for who they are, and we are grateful to the ADL community for upholding religious freedom and securing equality and fair treatment for all.

Have a wonderful holiday season!
Thank you,

Steven M. Freeman
Vice President, Civil Rights

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