July general membership mtg

You’re invited to the July Seattle DSA General Membership Meeting on…

We Won’t Go Back - 

The Case for Socialist Feminism 

This Tuesday, July 12, 7pm

In-person + Zoom 

Washington Hall 153 14th Ave 

Please register here

Special guest speaker: Natalie Tylim, author and member of New York City DSA, Natalie is one of the key organizers of actions that have targeted the Federalist Society (the main right-wing organization orchestrating the swing to the right in the courts) and other anti-abortionists. Check out the action. Here’s a recent article by Natalie on Roe being overturned.


The once unthinkable has come to pass: Roe vs. Wade has been overturned by a hard right majority on the Supreme Court, stripping away a constitutional right from millions upon millions of women.  This is nothing short of a grand declaration of war by the Right. And it’s clear that the destructive work of this Supreme Court is not done.  Clarence Thomas articulated the next targets for the Right — gay marriage, contraception, voting and other hard won rights.  


Infuriatingly, despite this slow moving disaster in the making for the past 50 years, despite advance warning with the leak, and despite the vast majority of the working class supporting Roe, the Democratic Party has proven itself utterly feckless and unwilling to defend reproductive rights.  We have no reason to believe they will fight back in any meaningful way against the onslaught by the Right.  People of color, Black people, and the poor will be disproportionately impacted by this ruling.


Where do we go from here? How can we defend and advance reproductive rights? Planned Parenthood’s strategy of trying to get Democrats elected and fighting it out in the courts to defend abortion has failed spectacularly. What should we do differently? What is Socialist Feminism? How is that different from the approach of Planned Parenthood? 


Join Seattle DSA for this important discussion and hear from Natalie about the exciting actions in NYC, and what they have planned going forward that we can learn from and maybe emulate. 


IMPORTANT: We are meeting in-person for the first time in nearly 2 years! To protect ourselves we are asking that everyone who is ill or has symptoms to please stay at home and join over Zoom. We are also asking for people to take a rapid at home test within 2 days before the meeting.  We are requiring that attendees be vaccinated and wear a mask for the entire duration of the meeting.  In the past we would provide snacks and drinks but we have suspended this service to encourage people to keep their masks on throughout the meeting.  We will also make sure that the meeting space is well ventilated.