
What is a woman? For time immemorial, the public has understood ‘woman’ to be an adult, human female. 

Sadly, radical gender ideologues are trying to redefine what it means to be female and to define womanhood as a subjective state unrelated to biological sex. 

We know what a woman is. We know what a female is. We know what a mother is. Our politicians and our laws should too.

The Women’s Bill of Rights is our attempt to fight back, to declare in law what we all know to be true. The WBoR does not create new rights or entitlements. It simply codifies basic terms and recognizes that some single-sex spaces are not only lawful, but necessary. Perhaps most importantly, it ensures that, when it comes to sex discrimination, Americans are at least speaking the same language.
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Now is the time to stand for truth, for science, and for common sense.
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