"We're now going to have to go state by state to protect people's voting rights." -- Eric H. Holder, Jr.
Help us do it >>>[link removed]
This June, the Supreme Court failed to stand up for democracy when they ruled that federal courts could not put limits on partisan gerrymandering, in effect allowing rampant map manipulation by Republican legislatures to continue. As the Washington Post explained:
"[The Supreme Court's decision gives] new urgency to [Democrats'] efforts to win back state legislatures next year."
What does this mean for the NDRC? It means that our fight has gotten even tougher -- but it doesn't mean we're any less committed to securing fair maps for every American. Friend, can you make a donation to help us battle in this new challenging landscape?
>>>[link removed]
As A.G. Holder said, since we can't rely on federal courts to stop partisan gerrymandering, we're going to have to go state by state.
That means we need more folks on the ground and more investments in electing fair-map candidates at the state level.
We told you after the Supreme Court ruling in June that we wouldn't give up -- and we won't, not until we've secured fair maps all over the country. Can we count on your donation to help us invest in state-level strategies to fight gerrymandering?
>>>[link removed]
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Paid for by the National Democratic Redistricting PAC, [link removed].
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