John—I’m about to ask you to split $5 between my campaign and Serve America. But first, a few facts about this battleground race:

1. Ohio’s open Senate seat will decide if we’re able to hold and expand our slim Democratic majority. A 50/50 Senate has failed to protect abortion, so we can’t afford to lose a single competitive race like this one.

2. I’m leading Republican JD Vance by just 2 points. Polling shows that Ohioans support our plan to cut workers in on the deal—the more we’re able to get our message out, the more voters we’ll win over.

3. National Republicans are funneling millions of dollars into Ohio. One right-wing billionaire even dropped $15 million into a super PAC backing Vance.

4. We’re heading into a summer fundraising slump, and we need to post strong numbers this quarter. Republicans will jump at the opportunity to drown out our workers first message with their BS smear campaigns.

5. We need to raise another $82,961 by tomorrow to stay on track to win this neck-and-neck race. So, will you split a donation of just $5 between my campaign and Serve America right now?


Together, I know we can pull this off.
