Secretary Mayorkas Has Abandoned His Sworn Oath |
In April, Congressman Jim Banks (IN-03) and I warned DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas about the consequences of his refusal to uphold his oath and secure the homeland.
It’s been months, and the lawlessness has only gotten worse.
Please take a moment to read our Op-Ed calling for his impeachment!
A Constitutional Obligation |
The Biden administration has a constitutional obligation to protect each state against invasion.
It’s time we impeach Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and hold the president accountable for abandoning our states and the American people!
Supporting the WHO Withdrawal Act |
We know the World Health Organization lives in the hip pocket of Communist China.
It’s a corrupt institution and deserves zero of your tax dollars.
I’ve joined Congressman Andy Biggs’ (AZ-05) bill to withdraw U.S. support!
Democrat Policies Are Destroying America |
It’s hard to believe we’re being led by people who couldn’t care less about Americans, but here we are.
Democrats are throwing away the natural resources that make us strong and keep our enemies at bay for an illogical climate agenda.
This will ruin us.
Demanding Answers |
We’re in the middle of a historic border crisis with over 1.5 million immigration cases pending – the most in history. What’s Biden’s DOJ doing?
They're firing Trump-appointed immigration judges without cause.
We need to know WHY.
We Must Keep Iran in Check |
Iran continues to threaten our allies and take civilians hostage.
I teamed up with Congressman Randy Weber (TX-29) to encourage Belgium to stand firm against Iranian pressure and NOT let any of these terrorists off the hook.
We need to keep this regime in check!
Gov. Greg Abbott Authorizes Law Enforcement to Return Illegal Immigrants to Border |
Biden is purposefully enabling the invasion taking place at our southern border.
Texas is taking the necessary first step toward holding the president accountable and securing our nation.
The National Education Association Pushing to Change "Mother" to "Birthing Parent" |
Now “mother” is too offensive for the Left…
The party that supposedly “protects women” sure seems to go out of its way to take away their significance.
- Can’t be called mother
- Must compete against men in sports
- Forced to share bathrooms with men
The Liberal World Order |
The Democrats keep reminding us that they don’t care how much we’re paying for gas.
They’re only focused on the future of the “liberal world order.”
Oil from U.S. Reserves Sent Overseas as Gas Prices Stay High |
Our Strategic Petroleum Reserve is the lowest it’s been since 1986.
While Americans suffer thanks to historically high gas prices, Biden’s sending millions of barrels of oil – meant for our national security – overseas.
When will America come first?
REMINDER: Look at Your Passport! |
If you’re planning a trip out of the country, ensure your passport is valid!
With some international travel restrictions being lifted, processing times for passport renewals/new passports are increasing.
Plan ahead and have a safe and enjoyable summer!
FIRE Act (H.R. 8031)
Summary: This bill will ensure campaign integrity exists and stops lawmakers’ relatives from becoming millionaires off of their donors.
KREMLIN Act (H.R. 7991)
Summary: This bill prohibits federal agencies from doing business with any entity that contracts with Vladimir Putin’s regime or his cronies in the Russian natural gas, oil, and coal sector.
Let Us Help You |
We are ready to assist you! We know how to cut through bureaucratic red tape and can get you answers. Please feel free to call or stop by one of our offices.
Let us work on your behalf!