![]() Patriot, Samuel Adams once wrote, “It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” For over forty years, I’ve worked to help ignite these brushfires, and as the American people have come to better understand the forces seeking to control and diminish our lives, we’re witnessing what I think is a desperate attempt by these same forces to cling to power. But thanks to your hard work and support, we’re seeing the American people organize to demand their fundamental liberty: economic liberty; freedom to defend ourselves; freedom to decide what to take or refrain from taking; freedom from lockdowns and mask mandates. . . Campaign for Liberty has been our force to turn that public yearning for liberty into effective political mobilization. And I cherish our Patriot Club members sustaining us most of all. I look forward to signing Gadsden flags – the classic flag bearing the iconic “Don’t Tread on Me” – for ten lucky winners. But you must enter by midnight ET on Monday to be entered to win. If you didn’t see John McCardell’s email from last week on the urgency of this program, please read it below. And if you can, please join our Patriot Club for at least $10 a month, or $0.03 a day. In addition to ten lucky winners receiving a flag – and one grand prize winner whose flag will be framed – everyone who joins will receive a Patriot Club T-shirt and hat, and for $25 a month, we will also send you a Patriot Club polo shirt. ![]() Thanks so much for your continued support. Together, we will light brushfires of freedom in the minds of American patriots, and we will our freedom back. Thanks for all you do for Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman Campaign for Liberty JOIN THE PATRIOT CLUB TODAY!
![]() Patriot, As if the past two years of tyranny under Covid wasn’t enough, we’re now reaching the point where the political party clinging to power is willing to destroy the very Constitution itself – if that’s what takes to save them from the will of the American people. With the Supreme Court’s recent historic decisions, leftist groups, including Democrat congressmen and senators, are openly calling for ending the filibuster and packing the Supreme Court with left-wing radicals. Without hesitation, they are labeling Supreme Court justices as “extremists” – the very same rhetoric they’ve been deploying against patriots like you and me ever since Dr. Paul’s run for president in 2008. In some circles, they’ve even been calling for a convention to dismantle to U.S. Constitution altogether. Sometimes it seems like we are fighting a losing battle, but then a great event reminds us that is those who keep the brushfires of liberty burning that keep hope alive. But Patriot, because of your support, Campaign for Liberty has been fighting to defend our freedom on all fronts, and though it might not seem like it, we’ve had much to celebrate this year. >>> We fought off national legislation to dismantle safeguards of election integrity in all 50 States. We protected the Senate filibuster. >>>We helped hold off the worst of anti-Second Amendment assaults from Congress, and we’ve held off the confirmation of anti-gun fanatic Steve Dettelbach. Democrats are fretting that time is running out, and with almost 120 judicial vacancies, they’re almost out of time. >>>We’ve demanded answers and accountability for the government’s tyrannical and scientifically illiterate Covid policies. And come November, the American people will be heard again. People are ready to take their liberty back. The junk science is falling apart, the politicians are exposed for the tyrants they are, and people are demanding a return to normalcy. Campaign for Liberty has been demanding this from the very beginning, and we stand vindicated. We've led the effort to expose Anthony Fauci, the idol of the Branch Covidians. We've sounded the alarm on government overreach large and small, from the Federal Reserve and IRS to the NSA and the ATF. Today, we are asking you to join our sustaining supporters: Our Patriot Club, which is the foundation of our support. Will you commit to just $0.33 a day to help Campaign for Liberty STOP the madness and restore constitutional order? Right now we're looking for as many patriots as possible to sign up for Campaign for Liberty’s Patriot Club monthly contributor program. And, if you sign up before the July 11 deadline, you'll be entered to win a framed Gadsden flag, autographed by our founder and chairman, Dr. Ron Paul. The framed 3’ x 2’ flag is the perfect addition to any patriot’s wall. Nine more winners will receive autographed 5’ x 3’ flags too! We will also send everyone who signs up with a monthly donation of $10 or more some special perks, including a Patriot Club t-shirt and hat. For a monthly donation of $25 or more, we’ll include a Patriot Club polo shirt. You can sign up for as little as $10.00 per month – or $0.33 a day. JOIN THE PATRIOT CLUB
TODAY! The truth is the Patriot Club program is absolutely vital to everything Campaign for Liberty does. >>> First: Patriot Club monthly contributors ensure we have the resources to fight back at a moment’s notice against any scheme the statists spring on us. In the heat of a legislative battle, you and I can’t afford to waste weeks raising the money we need to protect our liberty. That’s a recipe for sure defeat. Patriot Club monthly contributors are Campaign for Liberty’s Minutemen, providing the vital resources necessary to make sure we’re always prepared. >>> Second: Because Patriot Club members give me some idea of future resources, we can better plan for key ongoing battles – such as our shared fights to Audit the Fed and rein in the Deep State. It also means we can make the most of any last-minute opportunities on these battles, rather than holding back just to try to save resources for a possible future fight. >>> Third: Patriot Club monthly contributors allow Campaign for Liberty to lay the foundation for a massive and growing Liberty Movement that lasts far into the future. Ultimately, our success hinges not just on fighting the battles we’re currently facing but also on growing our numbers and educating and training new leaders. Patriot Club supporters truly are the foundation of these essential efforts. So today, I want to ask you to please take just a moment to sign up for this critical program. You can do so for $0.33 per day – only $10.00 per month. Signing up is safe and secure. JOIN THE PATRIOT CLUB
TODAY! And since the contributions are automatically deducted from your card, bank draft, or PayPal, you can sign up and not have to worry about it again. Those who do sign up by 11:59pm Eastern on July 11 will be entered to win one of ten prizes. Nine winners will be sent a Gadsden flag autographed by Dr. Paul. And one lucky friend of liberty will receive an autographed flag in a barnwood frame. We will also send everyone who signs up with a monthly donation of $10 or more some special perks, including a Patriot Club t-shirt and hat. For a monthly donation of $25 or more, we’ll include a Patriot Club polo shirt. These are just a few perks and gifts for your generous support, but most important, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing what a major impact you’re having for the advancement of liberty. As Dr. Paul said, we can turn our country around. We can restore constitutional principles, sound money, and respect for individual liberty in America. It’s the continued action from good folks like you that makes us so optimistic. Won’t you sign up to be a Patriot Club monthly contributor right away? Remember, if you sign up before the July 11 deadline, you'll be entered to win a Gadsden flag autographed by our Chairman, Ron Paul. By signing up as a Patriot Club monthly contributor you can help ensure Campaign for Liberty can make a massive – and enduring – impact in the fight for freedom. For Liberty, John McCardell Executive Director P.S. Will you help our liberty movement take the next step by signing up for Campaign for Liberty’s Patriot Club monthly contributor program? You can be a Patriot Club member for $10 a month – just $0.33 per day. Patriot Club monthly contributors are critical to Campaign for Liberty’s work to fight for our liberties in Congress AND lay the foundation for a vibrant liberty movement that lasts long into the future. So please sign up right away! JOIN THE PATRIOT CLUB TODAY!
The mission of
Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free
markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |
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