Good afternoon and welcome to our Weekend Update.
I trust that everyone had a happy and healthy 4th of
July. The weather was great, and our family enjoyed quality time
together celebrating our nation, the greatest in the history of the
But our nation is facing some challenges. Higher gas prices and
record inflation are significant issues facing American families.
These crises are directly related to the policies enacted by the Biden
administration. This week, news reports revealed that more than five
million barrels of oil released from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve
(SPR) had been diverted to European and Asian nations instead of U.S.
refiners. Biden has ordered the Department of Energy to release
about 260
million barrels of oil stored in the SPR over the next eight
months to combat record fuel prices hitting American consumers.
We deserve answers as to why our energy reserves are being sent to
foreign adversaries like China, compromising our energy security and
national security.

The reality is that Biden is just wrong on everything related to
addressing our energy crisis. First, solely releasing energy from the
SPR did nothing to slow rising gas prices, as the amount released is
but a drop in the bucket to what the nation needs. Additionally,
releasing petroleum from our nation's reserves weakens our national
security. Those reserves must be maintained for use during wartime or
a natural disaster that disrupts our energy supply. This is
upside-down ass-backward thinking.
Our energy crisis is a direct result of the policies of the Biden
administration. He must admit that and correct course. That begins
with removing regulations, taking the foot off the throats of domestic
energy producers and the financial institutions that support them, and
permitting the United States to start producing energy here for
American families. You know, as we did under the Trump
The world suffered a terrible tragedy on Friday as former Japanese
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated. World leaders have
gathered to express their condolences and admiration for the great
leader that Abe was. Abe put the success of his country and his people
first. But unfortunately, NPR and other liberal media outlets
immediately attacked him and his legacy after his murder. I joined
Newsmax this afternoon to discuss the mainstream media's
attempts to besmirch his memory just hours after his death. Click
here or below to watch.

Porch Pirates are stealing packages delivered by private carriers
and not facing the same penalties as those who steal items delivered
by The United States Postal Service. Let's face it: Theft is theft.
Learn more about a bill I have cosponsored, HR 6852, "The
Porch Pirates Act." I spoke to Andy Mehalshick from WBRE about the
issue. Click
here or below to watch my interview.

Historians say it was 246 years ago today, July 8, 1776, that
residents of Berks County and Reading heard a bell rung, drawing them
to listen to Sheriff Henry Vanderslice read the newly written
Declaration of Independence in the old county courthouse. The Berks
County Liberty Bell, which drew those citizens together, is now on
display in the lobby in the Service Center, where it will remain until
2026, part of the celebration of America 250PA, noting the
Semiquincentennial in the United States. At a recent ceremony, the
bell was displayed along with a copy of the Declaration of
Independence, provided by Barbara and Ray Blydenburgh.

This week, I stopped by WILK and joined Nikki Stone. We had the
chance to take calls from her listeners on various topics. Click
here to listen to our interview.

Yesterday, we attended the Yuengling Stars & Stripes Summer
Celebration in Pottsville. We were there to welcome over 25,000 people
in the heart of the 9th District. Our district office was open and
ready to greet and assist constituents. This was a great event, and we
want to extend a special thanks to Dick Yuengling for his continued
support of the community. (Shelley and I are pictured below with
Dick Yuengling and constituents)

Biden’s Great American Pay Cut is punishing families. As the cost of
living continues to rise and real wages continue to fall, Americans
are left struggling to keep up. Biden and Democrats’ trillions in
wasteful spending have fueled inflation and are to blame for the pain
everyone is feeling in their pockets. Unfortunately, higher
prices and lower wages are here to stay under Biden.
- Inflation ate up any wage gains in June, meaning workers’
paychecks are shrinking.
- The labor force participation rate fell at a time when it should
be expanding.
- Polling shows the American people see how bad things are and
overwhelmingly blame Biden for his poor handling of the
- According to the University of Michigan, consumer sentiment is at
a new record low, with a reading lower than at any point since the
gauge started in 1952.
- Gallup’s Economic Confidence Index is now at its lowest reading
since the end of the Great Rescission in early 2009.
- 85 percent of Americans, including a whopping 78 percent of
Democrats, say the nation is headed in the wrong direction.
That is why we must put some strong checks and balances on the
Biden administration's embrace of the extreme-left, socialist, "woke"
policy agenda. "Go Woke, Go Broke" is not just a saying; it's the
reality American families face. First, we must retire Speaker Nancy
Pelosi by electing a Republican majority to the U.S. House. Second; we
must work to help Republicans win back control of the U.S. Senate.
I will be active in this fight. Winning back control of the U.S.
House begins in Pennsylvania by re-electing our Republican members of
Congress and flipping some critical seats from Democrat to Republican
in the Keystone State. Our Commonwealth has always played the leading
role in establishing and protecting our democracy. Pennsylvanians will
be called on this November to do just that again. And I am confident,
with your help, Pennsylvania voters will rise to the challenge.
Thank you, and keep up the faith and the fight,