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Taxpayer, I am crying. Tears of JOY!

We just scored another BIG WIN in the War on Waste. And ‘first blood’ in the battle of #BeagleGate!
Last month, White Coat Waste Project (WCW) launched a rapid response campaign to stop Dr. Fauci’s white coats from wasting our money to poison six-month-old puppies in heinous, ‘runny nose’ experiments.
You stepped up. Sen. Joni Ernst responded. And now, VICTORY: all five of Fauci’s experiments have been canceled!
Thanks to you, WCW is proud to be the ONLY GROUP to close a government dog lab in 2022. In fact, we’ve already shut down two. (Just a few months ago, you and I ended the St. Louis VA’s blood-draining lab).
Bottom line: the most effective way to stop the abuse is to stop the wasteful spending before it starts. WCW’s strategy works: Stop the money. Stop the madness!
I hope you can see why WCW’s rapid response email campaigns are so important. Yeah, our emails are annoying. But we win campaigns and save more lives than all other groups.
Tonight, a lot of little beagle puppies thank you, Taxpayer. I do too.
You give. We win. They survive,

Christine McPherson
Development Manager
White Coat Waste Project
P.S. Taxpayer, you and I just LAID WASTE to Fauci’s beagle experiments! See how we did it below. But Fauci is still funding other beagle labs. So once you've read the whole thing, please contact Congress to pass the PAAW Act, which will permanently ban Fauci’s white coats from wasting your tax money on every other puppy experiment.

#BeagleGate Victory!
We just scored a big win in the War on Waste…and “first blood” in the battle known as #BeagleGate!

In May, White Coat Waste Project’s (WCW) latest #BeagleGate investigation exposed that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) — Dr. Fauci’s division of the NIH — was planning to waste $1.8 million in taxpayer funds to abuse puppies in a series of five painful and unnecessary experiments between now and August 2023. Why? According to the documents obtained by WCW via the Freedom of Information Act, it was to test an experimental new drug for “allergic rhinitis” — also known as hay fever (also known as a runny nose).

WCW shocked the world when first exposed Fauci’s spending on beagle experiments, and launched the official campaign to end them. So obviously, we called for NIAID’s newest runny nose contract to be canceled, too.

In response, Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) — a Waste Warrior, and a long-time champion of transparency and accountability — demanded information from Dr. Fauci about his planned suite of runny nose experiments on dogs, with a pointed and probing letter.
Citing WCW’s findings, she wrote, “I understand that at least five different NIAID-funded tests on dogs, including puppies as young as six months old, are planned for this drug and will involve invasive, painful, and potentially deadly procedures. This taxpayer-funded dog testing commissioned by NIAID appears to be unnecessary.” Among other things, she pointed out that the FDA has stated that it doesn’t require testing on dogs for new drugs and that alternatives are available.

Now, Dr. Fauci has personally replied to Sen. Ernst in a letter (which you can read below), telling her that “No experiments using the canine model are being conducted under this contract.”

Here’s a translation, for those not fluent in white coat: “We planned to do dog experiments, but they made a lot of people mad, so we decided not to go ahead with them.”
Here’s an even shorter translation:

ALL FIVE of Fauci’s taxpayer-funded runny nose experiments on dogs have been canceled.
This #BeagleGate victory couldn’t have happened without Senator Ernst, and, of course, our grassroots advocates. Thank you to every single person who called, wrote, and emailed Congress to ask them to curtail NIAID’s puppy experiments. Your voice makes a HUGE difference — so take action! Tell Congress to pass the PAAW Act today!

Stop the money.
Stop the madness.