If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention📣

Real News for Real Americans

BREAKING: Elon Pulls The Plug It’s OVER

BREAKING: Kamala Harris Sends The Message – Nation Stunned

Fellow American,

We thought this day might never come... but the Supreme Court finally delivered the BIGGEST win in modern history.

Roe V. Wade is GONE once and for all!

But what should be a cause for the celebration of life has enraged the radical left to a terrifying new level.

Pro-Abortion zealots are descending cities all across the country in a blind rage... destroying everything in their path.

In recent weeks we've seen:

  • Pregnancy centers FIREBOMBED

  • Justice Kavanaugh nearly ASSASSINATED

  • Mass riots and total CHAOS

...and it's about to get MUCH worse.

As you're reading this, ANTIFA is spearheading an effort to tear down the Supreme Court as we know it. They're hell-bent on wreaking havock and destruction... and right now they're just getting warmed up.

And to top it all of, Joe Biden and his minions in Congress are leveraging Roe V. Wade to ABOLISH the Supreme Court.

They're cultivating the outrage coming from far-left radicals and directing it RIGHT at the heart of our institutions. They're going to use this as their secret weapon to expand the number of Supreme Court Justices and pack it FULL of left-wing ideologues.

They're planning on destroying the legitimacy of the court once and for all... unless we get America First Congressmen to STOP THEM before they can ram it through

We CAN'T let them succeed - will you sign the National Citizen Petition to SAVE THE SUPREME COURT?

We're sending signed petitions to ALL 535 members of Congress and letting them know that We the People will NOT ALLOW Joe Biden and the radical left to destroy the Supreme Court.

If they cave on this one... VOTE THEM ALL OUT!

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Outraged Patriot
651 N Broad St, Suite 205 #1146
Middletown , DE 19709

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