"If you think the audit of Donald Trump's purported enemies was a random act of God, then I have a bridge in North Jersey I'd like to sell you," said Rep. Bill Pascrell.
The Democratic candidate for Pennsylvania's open U.S. Senate seat also demanded the prosecution of "gun dealers whose weapons routinely wind up at crime scenes."
"By empowering Medicare to directly negotiate prices for prescription drugs Congress can end the days of seniors missing lifesaving medications because they cannot afford them," said Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.
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An estimated 20,000 gallons were leaked in the Red Hill tunnel in Hawaii. This whole catastrophe has put the community's trust of the Navy in the toilet.
If we don’t restore majority rule—and to do so we must vanquish the tyranny of a corporate-backed minority—we will never solve climate change, inequality, balanced gun control, or ensure the sanctity and security of our elections.