Hi there,
There are many reasons to go vegan. From ensuring better lives for animals raised for food, to protecting the environment, to achieving better personal health and energy. Why not choose to go veg this Veganuary?
Each January, our friends at Veganuary ask people to leave animals off their plates for 31 days. That’s right. No meat, no dairy, no eggs. No animal-derived products for the entire month. Sound challenging? Don’t worry, we’re here to help you, your friends, and your family eat well and do good for the entire month and beyond.
Will you pledge to go veg this January?
Last year, over 250,000 people across 190 countries committed to Veganuary’s pledge, many of whom kept their commitment throughout 2019.
We encourage you to make a difference for animals, the environment, and yourself this January by committing to Veganuary’s 31-day pledge to leave animals off our plates. As you pledge to go veg, remember to share this post across your social media, and tell us why you're committing to Veganuary this January!
Already veg? 👏 Share this with your family and friends. Or, better yet, sign up to volunteer to help with this campaign!
Ready to commit to better personal health, environmental responsibility, and happier lives for animals?
Thank you for joining us in leaving animals off our plates!
For the animals,
The Humane League