John—I have some good news and bad news.

The bad news first: Our campaign fell short of our fundraising deadline. To make matters worse, we’ll need to raise 50% more in July than we projected to keep up with the GOP’s massive spending.

In the race that will decide Senate control in November, every single dollar counts. And make no mistake: This election will be won on the margins.

Can you please split a donation of anything you can afford between my campaign and Serve America to help us make up for lost time? We need to raise another $23,485 today.

But here’s some good news: We represent the best chance Democrats have to flip a seat and break the 50/50 tie in the Senate. If we can just raise the resources we need to fight off the GOP’s attacks, we can win this race.

There’s too much at stake in this election—voting rights, access to safe and legal abortion, taking on climate change—to throw in the towel. The next step is blowing the doors off our July fundraising goal, and that must start today.

Can you help kickstart July with some serious momentum by splitting a donation right now between my campaign and Serve America? We’ve got a lot of ground to cover but with you by our side I know we can do it.



Tim Ryan