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Have you ever heard of ballot harvesting?

It’s a practice where a political party pay workers to pick up ballots from your home.

It’s a favorite tactic of Democrats across the country…

And while it might sound innocent, it creates a HUGE problem

Because if voting were left to ballot harvesting…

Then whichever party could spend the most on ballot pick-ups would win every election.

Oh and that’s just the start…

Because these ballot harvesters could even instruct voters to fill out ballots in favor of the Democrats…

Or just change Republican votes to Democrats outright. 

No bueno, right?

And yet like I said, Democrats just seem to LOVE ballot harvesting…

So much so, that I had to fight them in the Supreme Court just to stop it from happening in Arizona. 

It’s one of the things I’m most proud of in my career:

Brnovich vs. DNC (Democratic National Committee).

A case where I argued that Arizona’s anti-ballot harvesting law (H.B. 2023) did not violate the voting rights act.

Which it obviously didn’t…

This law simply prevents sketchy paid operatives from harvesting ballots.

Well can you guess what argument the DNC made when we were arguing the case?

They said that H.B. 2023 was racist.

(You saw that one coming from a mile away, didn’t you?)

Maybe one day the Dems will learn that simply labeling anything you don’t like as “racist” doesn’t actually make it so…

But regardless, the Supreme Court sided with me and the people of Arizona in a 6-3 decision…

And ballot harvesting is illegal in Arizona, as it should be. 

The good guys win, right?

Well, for now…

Because here’s the scary thing:

What happens if Democrats try to nationalize all voting procedures and make ballot harvesting the norm across the nation?

Pile on the fact that corporate America will shell out billions to help them…

And a Republican might never win another election.

These are the kind of stakes we’re dealing with in this election…

Which is why I NEED to get to Washington so I can represent you as the United States Senate. 

If you’ve got even 30 minutes a week where you can volunteer and help my campaign, let me know here. 

We’ve only got a few weeks until the primary, and there’s no time to lose.

- Mark

Copyright © 2022 Brnovich for Senate, All rights reserved.

Brnovich for Senate
PO Box 497
Phoenix, AZ 85007

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