President Biden needs to hear from you, John.
In 2022, Medicare increased its premiums by the largest amount ever―largely in anticipation of an expensive Alzheimer’s drug called Aduhelm. But because of scrutiny from advocates like Social Security Works, the manufacturer cut the price of the drug by nearly $30,000, and then Medicare severely restricted its use because it was ineffective.
Now, Medicare is charging seniors inflated premiums every single month.
When every other price is rising, this is one that should be going down. But instead, the Biden administration announced that they won’t reduce the premiums for the rest of the year, as they had previously suggested that they might. They need to reverse this decision, now.
Tell the Biden Administration: Make things right with seniors! Issue rebate checks to reverse the overpayments!
Here’s what’s clear: Seniors should never have had their premiums increased to pay for an ineffective, dangerous, and massively overpriced drug. For the rest of 2022, they’ll be reminded of this mistake with every monthly payment.
Not only is lowering Medicare premiums the right thing to do, but it's also a political necessity. Older voters are a key force in midterm elections. Keeping Medicare premiums needlessly high until after the election is a gift to Mitch McConnell and his fellow Republicans. Every congressional Democrat who wants to keep their seat in November should join us in calling on the Biden administration to reverse this decision and lower Medicare premiums now!
As Bernie Sanders staff director Warren Gunnels says: Imagine being able to put more money in the pockets of senior citizens who are struggling to put food on the table right now and doing nothing instead. This is how you blow a slam dunk.
Tell the Biden Administration: Make this right―stop overcharging seniors for their Medicare premiums and issue rebate checks to make up for the period when they were paying inflated premiums!
Michael Phelan Social Security Works