WATCH: Chip explains why Texas needs to declare an "invasion" >>
Dear Fellow Conservative,

The people of Texas have had enough! Biden and Mayorkas are deliberately allowing the crisis at our border to get completely out-of-hand. 

County Leaders in Texas are now declaring an invasion and I joined Fox News to explain why I agree. Watch the clip here >>

The significance of the word "invasion" is critical here. Article IV of the U.S. Constitution states: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion."

Red-tape constricts the ability for Texas to tackle the illegal immigration crisis head-on, but by declaring it an invasion we have a clear constitutional basis to force the federal government to act AND to take matters into our own hands.

It's a no-brainer. We need to declare an invasion and put an end to the madness and carnage we are seeing at the border. 

So I want to know, WHAT DO YOU THINK?
Do the hundreds of thousands of people crossing our border EVERY MONTH without permission and with the help of brutal drug cartels constitute an invasion?

Yes! It's a clear invasion and Texas has the right to put an end to it!
No, it's not an invasion when people, drugs and violence enter our land illegally.

Please VOTE and SHARE this poll to rally the conservative base around this issue!
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Is there an INVASION at our border? VOTE >>
We have seen a record number of illegal migrants and drugs being trafficked across our border. This has been detrimental to the whole country but particularly Texas, where property is being destroyed and human lives lost as we try to manage a mess that the federal government is encouraging!

Transnational gangs and cartels are leading this invasion. This is a coordinated attack against our country and our state.

Cartels have taken operational control of our border, driving a human smuggling operation that is moving both human beings and deadly fentanyl for profit.

If the federal government is refusing to act, then we as Texans must do so ourselves. What do you think? Vote in the online poll and make your voice heard >>

Abbott and Paxton have been very vocal about fighting this border crisis. The Governor even endorsed my plan for securing the border. We need to encourage them and other leaders in Texas to go further and declare an invasion.

Momentum is on our side! So please check out my clip on Fox News and participate in the online poll so we can rally the conservative base around this issue!

For Texas,

Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21
Watch the Clip and Vote in the Poll >>
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