I wanted to email about the 4th of July shooting that happened in Highland Park, Illinois.

Ruben Gallego for Arizona

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Friends -

I wanted to email about the 4th of July shooting that happened in Highland Park, Illinois.

I was raised on the South Side of Chicago, and Highland Park is one of the places we would hope to move to when we grew up to avoid the violence.

It’s the kind of place people think of when they used to say, “we never thought it could happen here.”

But it did.

It isn’t right. It isn’t normal. And it doesn’t have to be this way.

We can change this.

This kid who did the shooting was a walking, talking red-flag law, yet he was able to buy three firearms before his 21st birthday.

Now let me reiterate something I’ve said before:

Congress should immediately raise the age to purchase an assault weapon to 21 years old.

When the far-right pushes back against this commonsense legislative idea, what they are saying is they want any 18, 19, or 20-year-old to be able to grab a gun from some dealer.

Just like the Highland Park shooter did.

This shooting is such a tragedy.

It didn’t have to happen.

It is also the perfect illustration of why the recent debate about young people buying assault weapons is so important.



Ruben Gallego is running for re-election in Arizona and needs your help to run a winning campaign. Please chip in $5, $10 or whatever you can afford to keep him in Congress. It all adds up when we’re all doing our part.



Paid For By Gallego for Arizona

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