Dear John
The government was due to make a final decision on the Cumbrian coal mine by 7 July. But in what has been a tumultuous week in Westminster, the decision has now been delayed.
Burning coal is disastrous for our countryside, communities and the ever-growing climate emergency, which is why we've continued to campaign against it.
Last week, we asked you to tweet Boris Johnson about the absurdity of the Cumbrian coal mine. So far, over 1,600 tweets have been sent - thank you for taking action!
In other campaign news, did you know that over the last year, you've helped our campaigns reach more people than ever before? Find out more in our annual review of 2021-22 which is now available to read on our website.
Finally, as we hit the peak of summer, we hope you can find some time to enjoy the sunshine in your local countryside or green space.
Read on for what to look out for on a countryside walk in July, stories of campaigners stepping up to protect their local green spaces, and more.