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Weekend Edition, July 9-10, 2022


Joe Biden’s SPR Caper—A Triple Bogey

David Stockman

Keynes vs. the Barbarous Relic

L. Reichard White

Ignition… Lift-off!

James Howard Kunstler

So You Are Still Thinking About Taking the Vaccine To Please Your Employer?

Allan Stevo

Dutch Farmer Protest Update: 16-Year-Old Jouke Freed; Document Reveals Government Plans To Steal Farms for Foreigners

Richard Abelson

Supreme Court: The Government Cannot Require That Citizens Prove the Need for Self-Protection in Order to Carry a Gun Outside Their Home

The Rutherford Institute

Major Survey: People Around the World Said Covid Response Caused a Drop in Civil Liberties

Didi Rankovic

Biden To Sign Executive Baby Killing Order Promoting Abortion on Demand

Doug Mainwaring

Christine Anderson: Serious Vaccine Adverse Events Endangering Passengers Across Europe

Alexandra Bruce

The ‘Safe and Effective’ Narrative Is Falling Apart

Steve Kirsch

US Eyes Direct War With Russia – Belarus

RT News

How Vaccine Trials Routinely Rig the Results

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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