The investments that we’ll see through the Growing Greener program and the Clean Streams Fund are going to be felt in communities across the state. Cleaning up abandoned mines, preserving farms, and combating flooding creates good-paying local jobs, improves the health of Pennsylvania families, and makes our communities safer.
Additionally, the state Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources are receiving much needed funding increases. While they’re not getting all that they need, this is a good first step in putting the environmental watchdog back on the beat and protecting our clean air, farmland, state parks and forests.
The legislature also approved funding for a new, bipartisan Whole-Home Repairs Program, which will lower energy costs for working families and seniors – particularly in environmental justice communities – while curbing climate pollution and creating jobs.
There were some investments we advocated for that we didn’t get and policies included that we don’t support. But we wouldn’t have been able to achieve these victories without sustained advocacy from people like you, who make clear to our elected officials every day the importance of protecting our environment and public health.
At a time when we’re facing new setbacks with the Supreme Court’s ruling against the EPA, an ever worsening climate crisis, and fighting back against continued legislative efforts to weaken environmental protections, these investments show that we can build a bipartisan consensus to protect the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the open space we treasure.
Let’s remind the legislature that we want to see them help people and invest in our communities.
Join us in thanking Governor Wolf and the members of the legislature who voted for these historic investments in our state budget .
Thank you for helping to make today's victory a reality.
Katie Blume
Political Director
Conservation Voters of PA
PS Join us next Wednesday 7/13 @ 6pm as we gather online to discuss what this means for our communities across the state. Sign up to join us here!