
One year ago, the White House dismissed rising prices as a “transitory” issue. Twelve months later, runaway inflation stubbornly batters American households with no solutions in sight. 

While the White House tries to find blame for the rising prices, Americans suffer. 

Do you know the causes and potential solutions to inflation? Test your knowledge.
Quiz for Friend:

When will inflation come back down?
A. By the end of 2022
B. In 2023
C. In five years
D. It’s uncertain

Runaway inflation is eating away at the prosperity that has marked our nation. And our government is failing to acknowledge the basic reasons why we are in a dark crisis: reckless government spending. 

Take the short quiz on inflation and test how much you know about the causes of and solutions to inflation in the United States. 

In Freedom, 
Patrice Onwuka