
We are exactly four months out from the midterm election. What we do in these last four months will determine whether Democrats — or Mitch McConnell — control the Senate majority in November.

From reproductive rights to gun safety to climate change, so much is at stake this year. We need Senators who will fight for progress and deliver for our families, not bow down to Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell’s far-right agenda.

We have ambitious plans to get Democrats out to vote, but we can't do it without your support. The best way to help is by activating a recurring donation.

These last four months are make or break for many campaigns, John. By joining our group of monthly donors, your donation will help fuel our work to keep up the fight from now through November 8 and beyond.

John, will you become a monthly donor and activate a recurring donation of $10 or more right now?


Republicans won’t hesitate to throw our progress on the chopping block. They’ve already hinted at a nationwide ban on abortion, along with tax hikes for everyday Americans.

And all they need to do is to flip one seat and retake the Senate.

But there’s something Republicans don’t have, John: you. Thousands of grassroots supporters have already activated monthly donations to help us go head-to-head with the GOP’s war chest, and we’re hoping you can join them.

Help us support critical Democratic candidates like Mark Kelly and Raphael Warnock: Start a recurring donation to Defend the Senate today >>

Thank you,

Defend the Senate

P.S. If you aren’t able to start a monthly gift, you can still help us start July strong by making a one-time donation here.