Bernie launched Our Revolution because he knew deep in his bones that corporate control of the Democratic Party prevents it from delivering results for working people. We live through the consequences of corporate Democratic rule in an age where Republicans have fully embraced far-right fascism. It means we lose our rights while Joe Manchin smiles smugly on his yacht. That's why we've been building power for years to create lasting change in how the Party operates. John, this weekend, Our Revolution is leveraging the long-term organizing we've done inside the Democratic Party to fight for a series of rule changes to make the Party representative of American voters, not corporations. Take our official survey, and let us know what you would change about the Party!
How would you fix the Democratic Party?
Over the past 5 years, Our Revolution leaders and allies have succeeded in making real change in 15 of the 57 Dem Parties. We’re not cheerleaders for the party, and we are never shy to let you know what we think is very wrong. But here’s the bottom line: we’re not giving up on changing it either. Right-wing and corporate money is flooding democratic primaries, and there are currently no rules to address it. We can truly make elections fairer and more just — join us in this push! We need reform at every level, from the presidential nominating process down the ballot. Please take our survey and let us know your thoughts on what needs to change. In solidarity, Our Revolution 