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Dear NCRC members and allies,

We have exciting news! Applications are now open for grants of up to $300,000 through NCRC’s Field Empowerment Fund (FEF)! 

FEF is a program funded by Morgan Stanley to help NCRC members doing racial equity work in housing and small business. This is the second and final year of the program. Last year, 33 NCRC members received $2.5 million in grants.

Grand awards will range from $50,000 to $300,000 for an 18 month period with the goal of scaling up innovative investments that promote wealth in traditionally underserved communities. 

Click here for more information on the program, including how to apply.

Applications must be submitted by 11:55 pm ET on July 29, 2022.

Awardees must be current NCRC members and be able to prove that they are either a 501(c)(3) organization or a U.S. Treasury CDFI Fund certified CDFI. Applicants must submit proposals within the following categories:
  • Affordable Housing
  • Small Business
  • Housing Counseling
Funds may be granted to organizations that:
  • Serve primarily LMI individuals, families or communities
  • Seek funds to support a specific program that primarily benefits LMI individuals, families or communities or small business development
  • Propose projects directly addressing racial equity within the Black and/or Latino communities
For more information and to submit an application, visit:

Requests for technical assistance can be sent to: [email protected].

Learn more and submit your application
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