We don’t need to be subsidizing Big Oil, we need to be investing in clean energy solutions.
Dear Friend,
Big Oil is raking in record profits while devastating our environment. Enough is enough. It’s time to tax windfall profits and end taxpayer handouts to the fossil fuel industry. We don’t need to be subsidizing Big Oil, we need to be investing in clean energy solutions.
In December, I introduced the End Polluter Welfare for Enhanced Oil Recovery Act. My bill would restore some of the original provisions of stripped from the Build Back Better legislation by repealing Section 45Q, the “Tax Credit for Carbon Sequestration.” This misguided policy subsidizes Big Oil’s “enhanced oil recovery” practice of injecting carbon dioxide into wells in order to extract more oil. This means more pollution, more oil and gas production, more greenhouse gas emissions, and more Big Oil profits – all subsidized by billions of dollars from taxpayers.
TAKE ACTION: Tell Congress to stop subsidizing fossil fuels now!

The End Polluter Welfare for Enhanced Oil Recovery Act isn’t just feel-good legislation. It’s smart economic and energy policy.
Join me! Take action to end taxpayer subsidies to Big Oil now.