Hi friend,

I'm about to start two weeks of Annual Training for the Army Reserves. Part of being a senior NCO (non-commissioned officer) is training the next generation of soldiers. Most of them have never seen combat. Some of them were born after 9/11. I'm going to be doing my best to get them ready for wars that hopefully never come.

I generally focus on the problems that our democracy faces from within. We have a Trumpist Republican Party that wants power at any cost. We have a partisan Supreme Court bent on forcing its right-wing views on American women.

I recognize these risks. They're why I'm running and why I am asking for your support.

But I also recognize that the world is a dangerous place for democracy. Russia has invaded Ukraine. China threatens Taiwan. These are our allies - they deserve our support.

Those external risks are why I joined, and stayed in, the military. It's a necessary job, and I'm proud to do it.

So what's the upshot here? I'm going to be busy and you'll get fewer emails over the next two weeks as my team covers for my absence.

I'm doing my best not to lose any momentum while I'm at training, so I set a goal of raising $25,000 in online donations to make sure we don't skip a beat. Will you chip in $3 today? Your contribution means we won’t fall behind while I’m away.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Have a great July!

Max Steiner

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