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I hate to have to share this news, but Herschel Walker needs our help.

After weeks of attack ads from his leftist opponent, Senator Raphael Warnock, the latest polling average now has Herschel Walker DOWN slightly. He needs our help to fund his own ads that set the record straight. Please see Herschel's email below.

Will you help him fight back?

We need to win in Georgia if we have any chance of winning back the Senate. Chip in whatever you can, $5 or even $50, to help Herschel Walker and our RECLAIM THE MAJORITY project!

Thanks for your help,

Todd Young
From: Herschel Walker
Date: Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Subject: We're down

The Real Clear Politics average of polling in Georgia indicates that Senator Warnock has now pulled slightly ahead in our critical Senate race. I need your help RIGHT NOW.
DONATE $10 →
DONATE $34 →
Senator Warnock and the national Democrats have spent over $10 million in ads attacking me since I became the Republican nominee on May 24th. Unfortunately, we haven't had the resources to respond with our own ads to set the record straight.

Clearly, their attack ads are having an impact.

If we don't pick up the fundraising pace and get on the air ASAP, we could LOSE THIS RACE.

This Georgia Senate race is the best opportunity to flip the one seat conservatives need to win the Senate majority. Without a Republican majority, Raphael Warnock, Chuck Schumer, and Senate Democrats will continue to pass the Biden agenda that is crippling our country.

The only way we can get on the air and WIN is if you join 499 of our best supporters to give $5 or $10 before MIDNIGHT. We've got to fill our Media Fund immediately!

Friend, will you give so we can launch our ads this week and turn around the polling trend?


Herschel Walker


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