Orange County Register: A return to common humanity 


The civil rights movement once emphasized our common humanity—what we all share, rather than what divides us. 
Sadly, the modern Progressive movement has lost this guiding star and now seems captivated by shallow differences that overshadow what we share. 
If we hope to achieve true equality, writes Ethan Blevins, we must again embrace the great truth of our common humanity. 

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The Hill: California reparations task force should tackle root of housing crisis 


A house divided cannot stand, and at today’s prices, it can’t be afforded either. That is especially true in California—for people of all backgrounds. 
But instead of policies to make homeownership affordable for all Californians, Andrew Quinio says the state is focused on race-based solutions that ignore the primary causes of high home prices. 

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With West Virginia v. EPA, the Supreme Court is holding Congress accountable 


The Supreme Court released its decisive 6-3 ruling in West Virginia v. EPA on June 30. Almost immediately, critics began flooding the media with accusations that the Court is “part of a larger legal crusade to destroy environmental protections.” 
Quite the opposite, explains Paige Gilliard, and PLF attorneys are setting the record straight: The Court’s decision actually restores major environmental decision-making powers to the legislative branch—where they belong. 

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