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Friday, July 8th, 2022


Marionette Theater: BoJo Resigns, as U.K. P.M. Searches for Next Globalist Puppet

Jordan Schachtel

Even the Peer-Reviewed Academic Science That Everyone Is Supposed To Follow Provides Clear Evidence That Vaccinating Young People Is Dangerous and Stupid


Declining Birth Rates Post-Covid Vaccines – Is it Time To Panic?

Alex Berenson

Something Has Happened to Americans and It Is Being Blamed on Guns

Paul Craig Roberts

A Great Endeavor

James Howard Kunstler

Pfizer Ordered By Uruguayan Judge To Report Composition of Covid-19 Vaccines, Including Any Presence of ‘Graphene Oxide’

Jim Hoft

Failing States and Strangled Economies

Alasdair Macleod

Are US Weapons Supplied To Ukraine Ending Up on DarkNet Marketplaces?

Tyler Durden

In Austria, the Finger-Pointing Has Begun!

Steve Kirsch

Billionaire Climate Elites Have Their Own Rules

Paul Driessen

Latest Symptoms of a Disintegrating Nation

Patrick J. Buchanan

More Evidence Vitamin D Is Effective in Preventing Covid-19

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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