From Andrew Yang <[email protected]>
Subject We must make December our strongest fundraising month in the history of this campaign.
Date December 6, 2019 1:45 AM
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[ Andrew ]Andrew Yang for President

Yang Gang --

I want to be as honest with you as I can about what’s at stake in

The good news: We are running a strong organizing program across every
early state -- and our ad program in Iowa and New Hampshire is only
ramping up.

What’s keeping the pressure on: The debate qualification period for
December ends on the 12th and we have yet to get our final poll.  AND our
end-of-quarter deadline hits at midnight ET on December 31 -- that means
our fundraising goes public for the world to see.

What other campaigns are doing: We’re seeing increased ads on the airwaves
in Iowa and New Hampshire -- that both raises the prices of our ads and
makes it harder to break through.

What you can do to help: We must make December our strongest fundraising
month in the history of this campaign.  And we must start now.  Ad buys
are paid weekly, and the earlier we have resources, the earlier we can add
field staff to the early primary state teams.

[ [link removed] ]Please, give all you can, Yang Gang, to make December the
strongest month of fundraising this campaign has ever seen.  This is how
we rise in the polls and show everyone the strength of this campaign.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation
will go through immediately:

[ [link removed] ]$10 »   [ [link removed] ]$25 »

[ [link removed] ]$50 »   [ [link removed] ]$100»

[ [link removed] ]$250 »   [ [link removed] ]OTHER »

This is our moment to make history,


We don't have corporate PACs or big donors who can
close the fundraising gap we face, just grassroots
donors like you powering this campaign. Please give

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Paid for by Friends of Andrew Yang

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