The attacks on Reagan have begun. But they aren’t from Kim Schrier. Ballots will be in the mail next week, and we are focused on doing everything possible to get our message out.
Reagan Dunn for Congress

Team –

The attacks on Reagan have begun. We knew they were coming but it’s worse than we thought.

They’re false, vicious, mean-spirited and personal and have no place in politics.

There are several troubling reasons why we’re so surprised by the attacks:

  1. They’re from our Republican opponent. The same Republican opponent that polling shows doesn’t come close to defeating Kim Schrier in the General Election.
  2. They’re disingenuous – and use several out of context quotes (though we shouldn’t be surprised about that) to attack Reagan over his personal recovery journey.
  3. They are personal – Reagan has a life-long conservative voting record and is the only Republican running who has actually held elected office. The attacks don’t try to pretend he can't win or won't be a reliable leader. Rather, the deceitful attacks are on his personal life.

Ronald Reagan famously referenced the “Eleventh Commandment” throughout his political career: “Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican.” These attacks are a particularly egregious violation of that rule and do nothing but fracture our party and help Kim Schrier and Nancy Pelosi stay in power.

We must fight back and defend Reagan. His campaign is focused on actually turning around this Country by restoring law and order, reigning in reckless inflation-causing spending, and restoring America’s energy independence.

Attack Ads

Ballots will be in the mail next week – please don’t delay. Can you make a special donation today to help us break through the noise of these attacks and propel Reagan to victory on August 2?
