I'll be at FreedomFest in Las Vegas July 13th-16th. What will I be doing there, you ask?
Let's Connect
I love FreedomFest. In fact, I've been almost every year since I became conscious of my libertarian views (thank you, Worlds Smallest Political Quiz!).
My favorite part? Mingling with old friends of liberty, hearing about the latest efforts to restore and expand freedom, and meeting new and interesting people from across the country.
Whether you're an old friend of The Advocates or a new one, if you're planning to attend FreedomFest, I'd love to meet you!
We Made a Film
I will also be there to promote the Advocates for Self-Governments' brand new feature short film, Gunpoint. I'm excited about this project and looking forward to telling you much more about it soon.
Make sure to attend the Anthem Film Festival screening on Thursday, July 14th, at 12:15pm to see the premiere of Self-Government Studio's Gunpoint.
Subversion Summit Talk
On Saturday, July 16th, our chairman Chris Rufer will be on a panel with Advocates advisor Max Borders and entrepreneur Brian Robertson to talk about the application of self-government in the workplace. You won't want to miss it!
It's not too late to register, either. My friends at FreedomFest sent us a discount code for you to use at checkout. Use promo code ADVOCATES50 for $50 off your registration now.
Press Reply to this email and tell me you're going to be at FreedomFest too, and we'll arrange time to connect.