Take action now

Hi John,

Yesterday, Vice President Harris visited Highland Park—the site of the horrific parade shooting on July 4th that left seven dead and dozens more wounded. She told the crowd, "Congress needs to have the courage to act, and renew the assault weapons ban...An assault weapon is designed to kill a lot of human beings, quickly. There is no reason that we have weapons of war on the streets of America. We need reasonable gun safety laws."

Vice President Harris is right. It's time to get this done. >>

Research shows that a shooter armed with an assault rifle is able to hurt and kill TWICE the number of people as a shooter armed with a handgun or non-assault rifle. We banned assault rifles before and we can do it again. While the federal assault weapons ban was in effect, mass shooting fatalities were 70% less likely to occur than in the periods before or after. 70%!

Congress MUST pass a federal assault weapons ban NOW. And Washington state lawmakers must continue leading the way on state-based change.

Thank you,
Dylan (he/him)


P.O. Box 4187
Seattle, WA 98194

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